Online Coaching
Your very own online coach
An example of the recipes you will receive
Click here to book your free consultation
Online Coaching is Personal Training without the in person guidance during workouts. Your workouts and nutrition are planned by us and just as it would PT, we will sit down with you to map out a plan to make your health & fitness goals a reality.
How does it work?
You will complete a lifestyle questionnaire.
You will then book in your 1-1 consultation with Jamie where you will discuss your goals in greater depth and map out a plan.
You will complete a food diary for Jamie to analyse and receive 30 healthy & interesting, goal focused recipes per month
You will receive tailored workouts according to your goal on our app (these can be in a gym or at home).
You will receive a complimentary workout hoodie delivered to you.
If required, you will receive custom calories and macros for your goal
You will have 24/7 support while on your fitness journey and weekly check-ins.
Click here to book your free consultation